Hailey's little bum was hanging out of her diaper I think its time to use bigger diapers!! She is putting on some pounds.. she's a little chunky BUM!!
My mom was getting her dressed and her shirt got caught on her ear.. Hailey thought it was funny!!
Hailey just had her 4 month check up the other day.. She now weighs 12. 7 and is 25 Inches long!! She is getting so so big!! It makes me sad.. she started on baby food and cereal she does not like it so much.. its funny to watch her pull faces! She's starting to get such a fun personality!! VERY spoiled she thinks she neeeds to be held ALL DAY LONG she loves attention! I put her hair in pig tails for the first time today she looks so cute she has a bald spot on the back of her head it looks so funny!! Gotta love babies!!