So about 3 weeks ago Chad got a phone call from the stake pres. secretary he told Chad that he wanted to meet with Chad and wanted him to bring his wife.. So that Tuesday off we went now getting that phone call is kinda nerve racking your not sure WHY??? they are wanting to meet, Well we went in and sat down when they told us that they were Filling some positions in the Elders Quorum Presidency and asked if Chad would like to be 2ND COUNSELOR.. WHAT?? Chad has only been an elder since the end of June and now the 2nd counselor which is a BIG DEAL!!! Man I am so proud to be married to him!! I am so proud of the changes he has made in the past year!! That following saturday my brother went and got his suits for his mission to TACOMA WASHINGTON.. for all you twilight lovers he will be serving in La Push, Forks etc.!! It'll be a great and beautiful place for him.. anyways We decided that it was time for Chad to get a suit.. WOW He looks amazing in one.. (i'll post pics later) He looks all important and sophisticated!! LOVE IT.. that Sunday we had a busy DAY Clint my little Brother was ordained an Elder, Chad was set apart in his NEW CALLING, we also celebrated my little sisters 7th birthday and my DAD's 50th BIRTHDAY!!
Last weekend Chad and I and the kids and my brother Clint and his "friend" Mary went to Bear Lake for the weekend for Raspberry days, we go every year with Chad's family kind of a family reunion.. Friday morning we all decided to go to GENEVA, IDAHO to see Chad's sister and her little family, we hadn't seen there house before so off we went. They live out in NOWHERE LAND.. seems like hours away. They Have a GORGEOUS home and cute fam. We rode their motorcycle, went up in the hills and shot ALOT of different guns, and had YUMMY dinner! That nightwe headed back to Chad's grandma's in bear lake.. we played games with Chad's fam.. my favorite game we played was CURSES.. Holy cow LAUGHED MY BUTT OFF it was so funny!!
Saturday morning we all decided to rent wave runners and spend the day on the beach which was a COMPLETE BLAST.. me being the DUMBY I am didn't put sunblock on at all and SCORTCHED my face and now I have fever blisters ALL OVER.. NICE!! Sunday we were out at my sister in laws again and I was running out to the car to get Ashlynn's Shoes and left the house door open thinking it would only be 2 seconds I had a feeling that I should shut the door but didn't I got distracted and the next thing i know I heard HAILEY SCREAMING BLOODY MURDER.. I threw everything I had in my hands and ran to her she had put her hands on the metal on the floor of the door frame and it was BURNING her hands, she didn't react and take them off she just sat there and cried.. I ran to her and ran in the house and put her hands into cold water. She probably cried and screamed for 2 hours i felt like the WORST mom ever. After hours of ice and screaming she FINALLY fell asleep when she woke up her right hand had 2nd degree burns on them and the whole thing blistered up!! :( my poor baby girl I felt so bad! She is now doing better her blisters have all popped and now I just have to watch for an infection!! I cant believe that July is over and School will be starting soon.. and its almost time to start decorating for FALL I LOVE LOVE decorating for FALL my favorite holiday next to Christmas!!! Well Hopefully August is just as fun as fun but hopefully not as crazy than the last few months have been we'll see!!